2024 iOccupy Conference and Convocation

Prayer Points

1.     Success of the overall conference

2.     That every Speaker will have the Word of the Lord needed for all in attendance

3.     That our Psalmists and Praise/Worship Leaders/Band will be able to endure without weariness or wounding

4.     That the Conference budget is not met, but exceeded

5.     That God will place all of us in a protective bubble and that there would be no more drama, issues, or distractsion

6.     That any sinister plots or plans of the enemy would be foiled.

7.     That God would cover the Staybridge Staff and grace them with favor (Especially, the Manager, Lisa)

8.     That God would protect the First Family

9.     That God would grant grace to fall on the new regime of Leadership that will step into their roles next week.


Prayer Times

12 midnight and 12 noon



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